Goodbye Little Louie

tiny blue and white parakeet king louie passed away monday morning

Eichelberger Photography Loses its Smallest Employee

Okay, so maybe he wasn’t officially on the payroll, but Louie was still a big part of the EichPhoto Family and we will miss him dearly.


The tiniest, and certainly the most cheerful member of our little clan, Louie the parakeet filled our home with happy chirps and whistles and “GoodBoyPrettyBirdWhatchaDoin’ ” run-on sentences in the smallest, cutest little voice….

Anyone who has visited our home studio knows what a charmer this little guy could be.  We are so sad to be saying goodbye much sooner than we ever expected.

Budgies (parakeets) like Louie can live to be 12-15 years old, but we learned that about 50% of them develop tumors before age 5 that greatly shorten their lifespan, and no one is quite sure what causes these tumors to develop.


Though we can’t say for sure what caused little Louie to slip away so suddenly, we believe that he passed peacefully in his sleep late Sunday night.   He was laid to rest on Monday beneath our appropriately tiny oak tree, and we planted some lovely mounding flowers there to remember him by.   He even has a sweet little metal turtle with a green light-up belly standing guard out there.


We are really going to miss you, Louie.  We think about you all the time, and we hope you are flying around somewhere amazing right now (Fiji, perhaps?) making your tiny ray-gun noises at other birds: “Pew-pew-PEW!”   Love you, little buddy!


Blue skies, smilin’ at me
Nothin’ but blues skies do I see

Bluebirds singin’ a song
There’s nothin’ but bluebirds all day long

Seems like all the days are hurryin’ by
When you’re in love, my how they fly

Those blue days, all of them gone
Nothin’ but blue skies from now on

-Louis Armstrong


By Kim Smith

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